Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hello!! 👋🏼

We hope you’re all having a fabulous weekend! ✨

We are here to announce our newly launched APP ONLY feature. You can now share what you are feeling without really saying it out loud, with our new ⭐ STATUS FEATURE⭐ on the Now&Me app!

Just go to your profile and click on “Set a Status” so that everyone can see what your vibe for today is. And don’t worry, if you don’t know what to write, we have relatable templates for you to choose from! 🤗

So what are you waiting for? Download the app and set the vibe! 🎉

Love and warmth,
Team Now&Me 🧡

14 replies
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yes plssss


Exactly please nowandme please


Let’s start a movement


U can use the app for doing the in app changes… and then move back to the browser for ur regular use. This way everyone is happy😂


Lets do it

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OHH we can enable it from the app ?


So can we enable the connections on browsers after changing some settings in-app is it like that


I wanna know the same?


Okay, why can’t I change it to anyone of my choice?
Why can’t I remove it also?


You can choose a custom emoji and text as well apart from the predefined ones.


I know, but why can’t I remove it


Cool feature


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