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Hello to the one reading this…

I’m feel low. The reason is there is one guy who was behind me since a very long time saying that he has got a big-time crush on that too since very very long time since many years. he asked me to meet now after many years but I refused at the first go later after he asking me so much I agreed to meet him. But then after the meet up after we had some good time he said that He won’t be able meet again I guess this is the last time we’re meeting. that truly felt very bad I felt very bad actually and it hurt my ego and I am still disturbed I don’t know what to do… I was not the one who wanted to meet him I didn’t have any kind of crush or anything as such but then after all this, it hurts me a lot hurt my ego I am very much disturbed not able to concentrate on anything… what am I supposed to do?? What I am I supposed to do with this can you help me to get over this shit…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker
16 replies

Hey there! Do you mind if I ask the reason why he said he won’t meet you again?
I think there was somebody who was giving you so much importance and now suddenly he’s gone. That is why you are feeling bad. I think you should have given him a chance if he made you so happy. It’s rare to find somebody nice for yourself.


I did ask the reason… he said he won’t find time in his busy schedule… I had nothing to say… coz he was so good to me always made me feel good I met him… I had no intention to meet him at all… I’m married and he is also about to get married…


Well then you can think this way that you ended it well and gracefully. Not everyone ends things gracefully. Atleast you will have a beautiful memory for each other always. All’s well that ends well.
And I hope you’re happy in your married life.


Yes very much happy… just this hurt my ego when he said he won’t meet again…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

If you take things on your EGO, you will never be satisfied. If you don’t have any crush nor any sort of liking and you just met for his good and it didn’t turn out well, doesn’t mean you have to feel bad for something. I feel because he doesn’t want to continue with you in any manner makes you feel rejected and not hearing anything which you wanted to hear and hence leading to your ego.

He is getting married, rather than wasting time on you he should better focus on his to be wife and can continue to be a FRIEND of yours.

Let him take his time and then see what has made him change. Maybe it didn’t turn out what he thought in his head and it’s his responsibility and not yours.


This was kind of harsh but really has a lot meaning… I feel much better now… thank you so much…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

Sometimes it’s better to be honest and make them hurt for their betterment than buttering and telling them they are right.

I hope it gave you an understanding and will use it in future as well! 😊


Yes it definitely did… I have saved them… thanx for writing ☺️


I’m still not able to get over it… trying my best to get over still it keeps bothering me… Wat I’m I supposed to do 😕

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

See, he already has someone in life and shouldn’t be with you in any way except friends.
If you want something besides friends, you need to take care of yourself. If not then talk to him ask him and see what’s going on in his mind.


I’m not liking him or have got any feelings for him… just not able to get over that ignorance… may be that attention which he was giving I’m missing…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

You will.
Just accept the fact and you have to move ahead.


Hopefully 😕

Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker

Akash Dalal @skybroker

the trigger words after reading were when he said,“he wont be able to meet again.” not becoz he doesn’t want to meet you but becoz he is out of time or perhaps what he thought for you wasn’t much for him this is what hurt you most. it hit the rock bottom that after so many years of no there was a yes and then he said no for the second time. this is what hurt you most. but hey all people in your life play a role once there role is over they go. i think his part is over for the time being and i think you can too make a move ahead you have done your best for the time being it is not that you didn’t meet him after all. All meeting has ending. and this is one of the good ending. just think about the good part and move ahead. you have a long luving life ahead. take care. : )


Thank you so much for writing… I’ll move on but it might take time… I’ll MOVE ON

Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker

Akash Dalal @skybroker

take your time… nothing makes me happy then people trying… thank you.


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