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Profile picture for Now&Me member @apurva_mehra

Dr. Apurva M. @apurva_mehr...

Hello to all.
It can be hard to accept life’s disappointments — things you feel as if you will never get past or move on from
But…If you can accept what is, if you can face it, then you can move forward through it and find greater peace and wholeness.
It’s a journey…no matter when you start it will take the same amount of time and effort.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @karthikkumark
Profile picture for Now&Me member @apurva_mehra
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @karthikkumark

Karthik Kumar @karthikkuma...

I disagree with this. I have been fighting with my mental issues for 12 years, and every time I thought my life was getting better and I could be like a normal person like others, something came up and pushed me back to that dark and struggling period. Now it has pushed me to that stage where I can’t get out of this, and I know that at some point in the future I might give up. I don’t think facing and fighting the situation helps anyone. When people are in crisis and going through terrible mental health, their mind doesn’t work at all, nor does their luck. People see us as failures and human waste, like living corpses or zombies, walking without brains and waiting to meet our ends. Sadly, it’s true that people around us have a big role in helping people like us out of this situation, but if you don’t get any support, then it’s over. I still believe that words are not enough to heal someone, neither is therapy. It’s people who can make a big difference in making abnormal people like me feel like them, without lecturing or acting like their life is better than ours.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @apurva_mehra

Dr. Apurva M. @apurva_mehr...

Have you ever consulted a mental health professional?
It’s a myth that mental health issues can be dealt alone… You will require professional help… everything else is add on therapies.
You can connect here with me for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Take care

Profile picture for Now&Me member @karthikkumark

Karthik Kumar @karthikkuma...

I have tried seeking professional help in the past, back in 2014, 2015, and last year as well. It didn’t help me much, they were more interested in calming my mind than fixing my anxiety and agoraphobia issues. I took Zoloft for a year. It did calm my mind but it didn’t help with the issues. So I stopped seeking professional help. In the past 12 years, I got tons of suggestions and advice, and In 2015 and 2020 I did overcome my anxiety and agoraphobia issues, but like they say, here in India, once you miss the train, you regret all your life. There are not a lot of opportunities, and that pushed me back to a dark and struggling period. I tried but I failed, and I have to accept that. If you don’t have luck, fate, and support from people around you, no matter how many times you seek professional help, Fate will push you back to a dark and struggling world.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @apurva_mehra

Dr. Apurva M. @apurva_mehr...

I would recommend you to reconnect with your Psychiatrist and continue the treatment as advised… And along with it cognitive behavioral therapy.
It will take time…
But everything is manageable…
Just it will require efforts and support.
Again I am saying if medicine is not working or suiting…you can always go back and get your medication altered or changed… not continuing treatment is not advisable.


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