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hello thereee anyoneee who’s scrolling ahaha, if you do take time to read this it would mean a lot aaaand uh much love to anyone who replies <33

i just need some advices on how to talk it out with your family members about what’s been bothering you as i am feeling embarassed? i dont rlly know how to put it into words but it feels like im so ashamed to open up/ destroy this wall between us especially when some of the things thats been bothering me are their behaviours towards me (saying mean things about me etc )

7 replies

Hmmmm… so is there anyone in your family that you trust and can talk to openly?
If yes then talk to that/those persons to get more courage to tell it for the whole fam or those that says bad things to you. Or ask anyone you trust to be with you when you want to tell them about how you have been feeling and how you feel by their behaviors. Hope things will work out for ya! ^_^


i think i do i just feel so tired having these feelings. i haven’t been out from my room since what happened. i just dont feel like dealing with these stuffs right now. im tired… im not mad or anything now i just wanna sit down and relax… thats all, is it okay though hmm?


thanks a lot though! sending lots of lovee hehe πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—


Hmmm. I understand you. Feeling down and sad also being afraid to talk about it face to face and take CARE of yourself. You must eat properly and the sooner you talk things out the better you will feel. Also, your dad he for sure feels bad about this too. So do what feels right for you and think that he’s your dad. He will for sure understand you ^_^


I get it . Let’s talk .


heloooo there, thankiess for replying. you meaant talking about it?


Hey, I am going through same thing. Its really difficult to confront our own fam especially if you have been tolerating their behavior from early age. But now we are adults and we know how we want to be treated but because we feel they aren’t that capable to understand our perspective. So what I do is whenever they treat me badly or say mean things to me I just then and there confront them because it won’t come out otherwise when things feel cool down. I know this is not the healthiest way but initially its is good thing to start confronting and if they are emotionally mature enough they will understand and will talk about thee issue.
All the powers to you. Remember you are breaking the generational trauma in your family. Stay strong you will get your way definitely.


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