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Profile picture for Now&Me member @moon22

moon @moon22

Hello there!!
Recently i encountered a guy whose name is chaitanya…his name has very good meaning which means awareness
So this guy doesn’t at all know anything about my place like I’m a telugu girl!! From northeastern Andhrapradesh to be precise…
He doesn’t know a single thing about south india literally all he know is dosa and sambar!!!
And we had a nice talk i felt bad for him that how he has grown up with such poor knowledge in geography of India.
Later he asked me whether we have railways facility… I was ragging mad because 30mins back I explained him saying that im from city and we have airways facility too but again he asked me the dumb one… i explained him in very polite way that now a days railways is available to villages and as I’m frm city so do we have that facility… I was ragging mad at him bt I just can’t scold him just becz he doesn’t know my place…
My advice is please if you meet someone new and you don’t know abt their place properly just search about their place and make a good conversation because it hurts and evn create an impression that you are dumb…
Have a nice evening

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