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Hello, so recently my parents separated from each other and it’s been really rough, I would not have a problem with them separating because I understood that was the best choice since their relationship wasn’t going well because of cheating. So now I am living with my mom and it was working out I noticed that it was way more peaceful in the house then it was before, however, lately I learned that my dad was still contacting my mom and eventually that progressed to threats and “stalking” (my mom already filed a restraining order), so I decided to talk to my dad about this and with that conversation I noticed that I couldn’t convince him that all that he was doing was hurting her, so I asked a question involving the fact the he messaged her about seeing her google search history and not liking what she searched up, since I already knew the answer to that question I wanted to see if he was going to lie to me and guess what, he did, at that moment I just felt like I couldn’t trust him anymore, I also learned the he got my mom fired from her job, and that really make me sad, I couldn’t believe my dad was doing that, and now We probably won’t even be able to sustain ourselves, but the worst part is when I heard my mom crying when she was in the shower, that really messed with my heart, the only thing I don’t want to happen is her crying, lately I have also been feeling useless, not that I have suicidal thoughts, I would never do that, It is just that things have been so hard lately that I don’t know what to do.

I don’t know if anyone is gonna take their time to read this, but still, I just needed to let some stuff out you know.

1 reply

Hey, I’m so so so sorry that you’ve been going through this & I’m so sorry I hadn’t replied sooner. This would be such a difficult time for you. And I think as the child, you’re doing so well. Right now it may feel like the worst has happened, and to a certain degree that might be right too. You deserve the space and time to process this information as much as your mom does. Remember, you have to be there for your mom but also, you can’t put your own peace of mind at stake. You’re doing the very best by letting it out and coping with it. Allow yourself to grieve, take that time to heal from this. There is no fixed time duration after which you would safely be able to say, yes I’m over it & it doesn’t bother me anymore. Even if it is something that is always on your mind, the idea is to be in control of those thoughts and not let them weigh heavy. And that will only happen over time. Same goes for your mom. Before the both of you are able to find the motivation to shake this off, there will be this period of despair and darkness that will feel like the end of the road. And as you yourself said, this isn’t the end of the road.
Better days are there, and they are waiting for you. You’re doing the best you can, and that is more than enough.
Lots of love and hugs to you and your mom for toughing it out. You both are doing great ❤️❤️❤️❤️


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