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Hello. So, me and my boyfriend have different political views. I watch more on TV and really good channels that are not banned and I showed him that a lot of things from Tv is propaganda, and also made up videos , taken from another wars, places and make them as its in Ucraine…people that said that actually ucrainean tanks bombarded them and so on. I also showed him how a simple russian person is tied up and beaten in Ucraine only because he is russian. I told him that Putin may be not as bad as mass media makes him look. And as a response he told me: fffuck you, go to leave in Russia and he told me also that if Russia will attack our country ( we are from Romania ) he means a part closer to Romania then I will be his Enemy and that he will Hate me. I told him that there are many lies and want to show him proves as he speaks russian and will understand. He was just ignorant and hateful. I found his reply mean towards me and my opinion. What do you think about it? Can he talk like that and threat me that if Putin will do this and that then he will hate me and I will be his enemy because I support him? I told him that its not about support its about the fact that mass media propaganda a lot of lies … are his words ok?

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