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Alexandros @misovits

Hello my name is Alex. I’m here to talk about a break up I had before 3 days and I need some solutions. I was missing from my town for 4 years when I came back I saw a girl that i liked here past then and brought me back for some feelings. I texted here and she responded so we start dating. Everything was Okey that girl was I’m love for me for 6 Years even thought we never even kissed in the past. She had 2 years relationship with a guy but never finished I mean had sex. I was her first guy she was hard in love with me. We dated for 6 weeks and I cheated on her. The same moment I did that I regret it and started chasing her for 3 weeks I did crazy stuff sending her flowers to her job to her place calling her searching her etc… she forgave me and we gave a new start before 2 weeks. She was Okey I mean she even told me that she love me did many stuff like I did for her. But since Monday she changed I mean she was very cold we talked and she said she feels like she is cold doesn’t know what she want . She asked 5 days not to talk to see if she has feelings about me because she was feeling that I pressure her. We broke up and she told me she loves me but wanna move on. I know she is insecure about her self I know she loves me I wanna ask the girls here what I can do any tips like give her time tect her like friend in some time so I get her back

8 replies

Why did you cheated on her ?

Alexandros @misovits

I was in love with her but couldn’t believe she is in love with me as well. I was always there for her when she had a problem to talk and once I had a problem she knew it she didn’t talk to me about it by her self. I was selfish I knew if I call her she would come to talk about it but I wanted to see if she would do it by her own


oh damn okay well I can’t really help but good luck

Alexandros @misovits

Well I’m asking what I can do to get her back. She forgived me about the cheating but she had insecurities and felt pressured and broke it up. What can I do? Give her time and start in a bit as friend? Bro trust me she loves me but got decision to move on


I think you should just give her time

Alexandros @misovits

Is it better if she don’t see me for a while I mean in front of her or? What should I don’t like in 10 days text her or what


She say she wanna move on so I think you should just let her be she probably hurting and can’t see you the same anymore I don’t really know sorry bud

Alexandros @misovits

Well mate she liked everything I did for her she told me she feels like she is not enough for me that’s the problem


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