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Hello! My boyfriend and I broke up a month ago. He told me he was not ready for a relationship (we have been together 8 months), he said he loved me but right now he had other things going on and he didnt want to hurt me. During this month I have thought a lot about us and I think I might have “idealized” our relationship and rushed him and pushed him… he was not ready and clearly either was I.
I still care about him, I love him and I would like to have a second chance… when we broke up I asked him if we could talk about us at the end of summer and we havent spoken since then; I’m afraid he might have changed his mind and I dont know what to do and I’m scared he has moved on. We have a common group of friends and I will be seeing him a lot and I’m worried I’ll never be ok. I know I will at some point but the idea of having screwed up this relationship is torturing me.

1 reply

u know, even tho u might love someone and they loved u once too, sometimes is better not to rush into a realitionship and everything that comes w it. u both before rushing into a realitionship should know if u both r ready and if it is what u both want. sometimes it doesnt work out and two people that were before acting like a soulmates become two different strangers again. i know its hard for some people to move on but when one of the strangers moves on, its better to try to move on and forgot too. if u feel like u still wanna try and maybe try the realationship again, confront him and try to talk about it and know where u did mistakes and what was the point where he knew wants to end this realitionship.


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