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Hello it’s my 21st birthday and I just wanted some life advice from wiser people. how can I make my life more full filled and achieve goals or just be happy in general

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ivyaberdeenfan
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anamonous
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ivyaberdeenfan

Hannah @ivyaberdeenfan

Do what you love. Don’t overthink it. Try something new. Start a new hobby. Go on a trip with friend 9r family. MAKE MEMORIES! 😃


unfortunately over thinker is my name 😂 but your advice is pretty it’s just that this corona isn’t letting me have that much fun I guess.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ivyaberdeenfan

Hannah @ivyaberdeenfan

i understand that. Where I live, the virus has already claimed 2 lives. 😞

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anamonous

First of all Wish you very happy birthday.🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂

Live each n every day like it’s your birthday…it means every day is your DAY, each day u are growing mentality physically becoming more grounded…happy day for u.special day

Secondly dont think toomuch about the goals achievement
what meant to happen will eventually happen so
just go on the flow.

Thirdly, get busy 24/7in your life in any kind of work which is important for ur personal growth ,just dont sit idle.

Remember one thing …
More you busy in work less u worry 😺😺😺 I guess less u overthink.

Be happy be strong 🐻


Thank you for the wish and yeah I hope I do some work bc I’m a huge procrastinator so hopefully I’ll get my shit together.


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