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Keyser Sözé @keysersoze

Hello. I’m new here. My first post.Feeling sad and low
Does this happened to you, someone is being so bad and toxic toward to you and still you have no hard feelings towards them., You just hope they get better . Deep down you know you can’t be friends like before after whatever you been through

Profile picture for Now&Me member @oas
13 replies

Buddy I just wanna say one thing just go with flow
It’s not that easy but you can atleast try

Keyser Sözé @keysersoze

Thanks Buddy. That’s what I am doin for years , hope this time passes too.


My friend everything is fine with time passes. Sorry I call you friend ,but if you don’t mind can I call you friend.

Keyser Sözé @keysersoze

Why would I mind vro. Thanks friend. Can u DM me , this app is confusing and slow.


Yeah sure why not
But for dm we both need any social accounts


The app is really good spend some times on this app. Don’t sad be happy my friend.

Keyser Sözé @keysersoze

Thanks vro . Yes sure, let’s see how it goes .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @oas

Oas Choudhary @oas

Try to distract yourself, hun…If, they deserve the second chance give them one…

Good night, sweet dreams…

Keyser Sözé @keysersoze

Already gave many many chances.

Mehtab @tabu

I miss someone …whom im not connected anymore

Keyser Sözé @keysersoze

Same. But maybe it’s not meant to be


Read on codependency and narcissicism. Might help to understand the dynamics of such a relationship.

Keyser Sözé @keysersoze

I will. Thanks


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