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Im broken. I dont think i have somebody left in this world anymore. I had so many friends , they were the only people who kept me happy, now they are slowly becoming strangers. I never had a day without crying since i was born.its all because of my family. Normally a family makes their child happy all the time atleast till the age around 7. In my family all they did was making me angry and crying so they can laugh at me. And i guess now im a little bit ugly just because i cried everyday. Can you believe when i was like 7 or 8 i tried to suicide. I took the knife to my hand and then again thought to give a little more time. And now im suffering from depression. I want my friends back. They are my only family now. Can anyone give me some advices for making a good friendship. As im a girl i want to know how to make male friends too, i already have male friends bt they keep disappering like the girls.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker
10 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199


Friends who stay by you in your bad times are your actual true friends even if they are 1-2. Quality matters most than quantity.

Making friends canโ€™t be taught be it for male or female. I am too a female.
Be who you are and donโ€™t change or modify yourself for them and people who love you for who you are, make them your friends and donโ€™t ask personal questions till the time you start sharing close bond.


Really appreciate your words but what if anyone doesnt like who i am. I always want to change myself. In my neighbourhood i had lots of male friends, bt one day this half american girl came and ruined my friendship. I bearly talks with those friends now. As soon as she moved to our neighbourhood she tried to be friends with me just because she wants to staywith boys. Aftr she got friendly with the boys she forgot me. However now im so jelous of her. Thats why i want to change who i am. I want to be just like her i mean like an american. Anyhow really thanks for your help, i dont know what would i do without you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199


Those are selfish and youโ€™ll find these type of people everywhere. We meet everyone and itโ€™s good to learn from these people.

If you are jealous it will urge you to want boys in life rather than any friendship. And maybe the girl knows you are jealous and she is doing this on purpose.

Always remember there are people who would want to be your friend genuinely without you wanting to change. Trust me on this. If you change then they know you donโ€™t have confidence on yourself and take you for granted. Just believe in yourself and say this everyday to yourself and see the difference. :)


I think you are correct 100%. I have to have confidence on myself. Or else it will be like im changing everyday as other poeple want me to. And you are right in the case that i need the boys in my life. Its really feels better and make me happy when im with them. Now on im gonna be myself thanks to you. Be happy , stay safe and thanks with love.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199


Yes. You have taken the first step.

You will get a boy as a friend when you put in efforts and he will too. When it vibes from both side you shall become friends.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker

Akash Dalal @skybroker


Absolutely I totally agree with all the suggestion @st1199 has said. she is absolutely right. No matter if it is a guy/girl if the person would like to be your friend he would be and he would bond for who you are and not what your are trying to show. there are many selfish people around you to take advantage of you but you be yourself you are good at being you and most importantly you have good heart. keep it. it is rare to find one. it is precious. You are the one. nevertheless please take care of your health and be safe. : )

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199


Thankyou! :)


Thank you very much guys. I dont know wtd without you guys. I feel so calmed now. Thank you for both of you. After some months im sure ill get more true friends.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker

Akash Dalal @skybroker


Yes. you will. I believe that in you. : )

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199


Yes. Be patient and itโ€™ll happen.

All the best for future!


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