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Mental IllnessThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @moonchild333

Ana @moonchild333

Hello! If you’re a maladaptive daydreamer I made this list to help you stop maladaptive daydreaming I hope it helps! If you can please share your tips as well!
1. Try talking to other people, it doesn’t have to be about maladaptive daydreaming I noticed that talking to other people helps me a lot
2. Accept the fact that your characters are not real
3.understand your triggers
4.try figuring out why you maladaptive daydream
5.whatever you maladaptive daydream about is the thing you want or lack so work on getting that thing. Example: if you daydream about talking to someone/having friends means that you want to have friends so work on getting friends
6.control yourself it’s the hardest yet the most effective, whenever you want to maladaptive daydream tell yourself you can’t do it might fail but don’t beat yourself over it because it might get harder if you get angry at yourself for maladaptive daydreaming
8.and give yourself some time to daydream I like to do it in the bed, before falling asleep because it helps me fall asleep
9.meditation also helps
10. Write about your day and feelings make sure to get it all out, I like to write about how I feel because It makes me focus on myself and I understand how my day went and how I’ve been feeling

Profile picture for Now&Me member @moonchild333
5 replies

Its me.Thanks:) I surely will try it out

Profile picture for Now&Me member @moonchild333

Ana @moonchild333

Good luck!


thanks :)

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Lia @liaa__

Very helpful


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