Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Hello! I wish you all are safe and healthy.

So I am with this really great guy that I really like and I really want to post something and tag him but that will make us publicly together and I am scared about it. I wanna do it but I am having these double thoughts rn. My last relationship was a complete mess and I am scared that the few people who knew about it will judge me now. I know I sound stupid but I just wanted to share this.

5 replies

I do understand it but I’d suggest to keep your relationship private because nowadays no one wants other peoples to be happy


Should I discuss this with him? Like the thoughts that I am having?


Yes for sure he’s your soulmate you should share everything with him


Okay I will. And btw thankyou for your reply. It really means a lot.❤


You’re welcome have a great day and all the best for your future❤️


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