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Hello, I wanted to know something and that’s why was searching for some group… I am failing…failing at work and maybe in personal life as well… People say I have potential… I also know I do…but there’s a demon in me who never lets me use my full potential… which results in failure… This demon is laziness, “Kaamchori”… are there people like me in this group?? who are fighting with this demon??? do we ever succeed?? have a good not over the top but a normal successful life?? Please comment… I am feeling lonely…and would like feel that m not alone in this…n that there’s hope for me…Thank you

2 replies

hello. you are not alone in this. i have also felt same. sometimes i feel like i want to achieve everything in life and i will do evrything my own but then i dont end up doing anything. i waste time due to laziness and just sit in bed or watch tv. this happens. used to happen when i didnt have purpose in life, when i didnt know what i actually wanted to do. i think once yu will figure out what you really want to do, as in what makes you happy, you will not do kaamchori. and dont feel that you will not be able to succeed. you definitely be able to. give yourself some time. dont worry. it will all fall into place. 2020 will be amazing for you because you will make it amazing for you. best of luck


Thank you so much… You have no idea what your words did… Having someone with you… that feeling is great…Thank you my anonymous friend… :)
M still in my journey to find what I actually want. I hope to figure it out soon… tell me according to you what’s the right path to search “your purpose”…to search “what you actually want to do”?? I am here trying everything hoping one thing may strike or I’ll just make “the thing” my calling…


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