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Hello, I wanted to know if anyone knows what is happening to me, when I was 13, I and my mom got a desk from the trash, it looked pretty new and clean so we took it and put it in my room. Later that week I woke up and felt uneasy I could hear a weird noise it’s hard to describe it, but then I looked to my right and saw two people standing while they looked at me. The woman was a short woman maybe around 5´2 she had long black hair that covered her face, the man had more of a bright drown or orange hair and beer, he was taller than the woman by 1 or 2 inches. Remember when they first appeared because that same day was my 14th birthday, I told my parents and they thought it was maybe some relatives that passed away and visited on my birthday, later that same month they came again at the same time, 3:00-3:59 AM.
My mom thought it was the desk so we both went alone since we both brought it together.
Then it becomes more frequent, it was only the woman who would come now. I was always scared and couldn´t move, my parents are Hispanic so they would curse to lead them away from me. This continued for 3-4 months and it finally stopped, for only to it to come again…2 months ago she came back since I was so used to feeling that presence of her and the noise it made so I knew when she came so I closed my eyes as tight as possible until she left.

I recorded when she would appear and you can hear in the recordings that weird ringing sound. I showed it to my mom and she would listen to it and she was shocked, after some time the noise from the recording would disappear and you couldn´t hear anything then the sound would come back days later.
I turned 15, 5 days ago and today I dreamed of telling my sister it would come and I checked the time and it read 3:16 AM
I woke up at that same time and started feeling the presence again, it felt different than the other ones. I open my eyes only to see a very tall figure as tall as the ceiling of my room, it was very skinny…In that one second, I opened my eyes it came at me so fast I got scared and closed my eyes. I tried to wake up my sister but I couldn´t move, I was breathing like crazy and I finally woke her up and told her to turn the light on. I told my mom about it and she asked if it was the same woman but I told her it was something else. I slept with my mom and dad because I was scared, I was laying down and I started hearing that weird ringing noise and I asked if she heard it too but she didn´t, after some time I looked to my right only to see that figure again, it was kneeling on the floor he was not looking at me he was bent over and rested on his legs but he looked very big by just sitting there. I covered my face and I didn´t have to see it.
Please tell me why I see these things

8 replies

ok now i’m hella scared !! please say it was just a story you made up


I wish I was joking, and yes it is very scary when it does happen


Can u send the auidos to me?


yes I can send you the audio is 4hours long and I can also tell when the noise can be heard too


Can I know your ig we can connect


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