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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Trigger Warning
I want some help from you guys please. I have been in a relationship with a married man for about a year now. He’s 10 years older than me and I can’t seem to stop this. I tried ending this for many times but every time I tried doing that, I ended up going back to him with more love and passion. i am at a point where I can’t take myself anymore, I am full of shame and guilt and the love and everything we have towards each other is just disappearing. Please someone tell me what I should do.

7 replies

To put it blunt and simple: Talk to him. There will be a lot of arguments and such things, just keep cool and point out your points (good or bad, like your love to each other are disappearing) in the table and decide from there, whether to break it up or not. If you are gonna end it all with him, yes it will be scary, once the break up is done it’ll just be a storm that’ll just pass by, it may hurt like an asteroid hitting you in the chest at first, but time heals all wounds.
I hope this helped your situation, if not I am sorry.


And good luck, hope you decide the right decision!


Thanks a lot for your kind advice.

Ishita @ishita

Just let it go. Be brave. You have to end this. This relationship is toxic for YOU and YOU only. Let him go. You need to let him go. No saying good-byes, Just disappear. Please let go. You have a great life ahead. Let go. Move ahead.
God bless you.


Thank you. I am really open to hearing things from people about this because my mind, as of right now, doesn’t seem to be doing anything for me.

Ishita @ishita

You’re welcome. I know moving on will be really tough but you need to do this. Please. Just do it. You will be happier when you won’t be in touch with that person for a long time. It will take time, but soon you will realise that you made the right choice for yourself.
Best of luck.


If it hurt you so much. Please, you could move on. Sometime relationship is supposed to have good time and bad time. If your relationship have less good time than bad one. You should try to move on. And time will heal you. You will find someone you are happy to be with in the future.


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