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Money ProblemsThought


Hello…I want some advice!! Can anyone recommend me a online job!! I am an introvert and life is very depressing now a days. Any online job that doesn’t use interacting with people…I saw many online jobs in YouTube but I was not sure, so any one has something to recommend please do!! My mom keep saying in each day to me to work, and earn money, actually I am only a teenager…but we are in dire need in money so…i want to work…I don’t want her to think I am useless…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pixwl
4 replies

Age ??


I am a teenager


learn some skills first than apply for paid internship.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pixwl

jj @pixwl

hey, you can try freelancing if youre over 18. there are many websites out there (you should do your research before deciding) where people will pay younfor your skills and talent. if youre good at computers or art or anything else, i suggest you check it out.


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