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I have very wierd thoughts going on for quite some time. It’s like thoughts playing ping-pong inside my head. The situation I am about to share is something I have never shared ever before. Not even spoken out loud. Maybe that’s why they say when you can’t say it write it.
My boyfriend and I are together for almost 3 years now. I am marriageable age and he is 9 years older to me.
When I told this to my family they freaked out. Things went on quite rough road and since then nothing has remained same. I feel distanced in in my heart from the closest people in my life.
They are trying to convince me not to be with him giving all the facts regarding his age, society, people, future kids, my life with him, generation gap and so on.

All this while my he, my boyfriend, has just been a silent partner. He acknowledged all the facts and left it on me to take a decision. He says he loves me dearly. But we all know love is not all you need to spend life together.
Both are right, my family also my boyfriend.
Not sure if it all is making any sense but I tried pulling my hair and taking stress, that didn’t work. Any other suggestions? Please.

2 replies

You and your boyfriend should try convincing your parents that could be the one thing that may help. Like you could make them meet and all which could maybe change their mind and decision.

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