Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @unknown

i don’t know what to tell right now just i think that i am somewhere having multiple negative thoughts. By the way it is not that negative which can hurt me physically i mean, but it is hurting me somewhere inside. First of all this lockdown is creating big issues everyday for me at my home and several other things are also there which breaks me from time to time. I just came to know about this website where i can share something with someone i don’t know. Hope someone sees this and approaches me if needed otherwise i will be what i was before this post.

Thank You!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @unknown
4 replies

Hey buddy! I can totally feel you. I too sometimes feel this. You’re not alone. But there’s one thing that these negative thoughts should not dominate you. You have to keep yourself busy or to do whatever you like.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @unknown


At last, looking for the best in myself. And i guess bad times teaches how to be good in bad.


Good times makes you happy but bad times shows us reality, it teaches you things.


Hi…I have been in your place. But for me I didn’t know platforms like this existed. I wanted to share with someone the problems I was facing but had no one to share so I would talk to random strangers online…and that would make me feel better…When we are in problem we it feels as if I wish I could just far away to a place where not even the problems could reach me…to become unknown to all the pain…but remember always that every time you will overcome this pain, these problems, this emptiness…it will make you strong…and good times are just around the corner.


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