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Hello I am From varanasi, I had a friend two years ago you can say kind of best friends. We are not friends now but nowadays I am kind of Missouri her and also I don’t want her back in my life no I don’t . I can’t share this with my other friends because I know they will judge and talk about this. I don’t have any such friends I could talk everything and share everything or trust them. I have a big trust issues.

2 replies

Well in that case you will have to just accept the fact that he or she is gone. If you can still text them then try to talk to them as friend and if you can’t then just get over it. You don’t need to tell everyone that you miss them. You don’t need to share everything you feel. Just be busy, get a hobby, enjoy life.


Hey, I totally get how you feel rn. I have been there, I had a best friend with whom it didn’t worked out but sometimes it just hits me that what if I did a wrong thing or should I go back to being friends with her again!? But I don’t want it! It can be confusing at times and you can have some days where you feel like you’re the bad guy but at the end of the day remind yourself why you both drifted apart. Was it that you both were fighting all the time? Were you just not compatible? Did one of you lied or cheated on your friend? Or was it just that time grew you apart? If it’s the last one then all you should do is check upon them once in a month or so like casual friends because no matter what you can’t deny the fact that they once meant the world to you(and even if it’s not the latter one, then also be a good human being and check on the people around you once in a while).
You know your story better than anyone else, and you are the only one who can change it for good. So act accordingly.
Have a nice day❤


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