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Hello. I am a new member of this family. I need someone who politely listens to me and softly talks to me and gives suggestions. Before joining this family I have one person in my life who does all these things is my husband and best friend from my side only but now from last few months I don’t understand him and he doesn’t understand me. We have only arguments not talks. For the last 2 days we haven’t talked to each other. I have no more friends with whom I can share my feelings. I have to take care of my baby as well as my career also. I need one friend with whom I can talk everyday and share my happiness, anger, relaxation, and tears.
I am mentally little bit disturbed because of my husband’s behaviour cause he was my friend and guide but now he never gives me a positive push in my life. I can’t share these things with my parents and siblings cause they have their own problems.
Help me if possible. Thank you for reading this. Bye take care🙏

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nance_agrwll
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nance_agrwll

Nance A. @nance_agrwll

I understand how difficult it is for you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nance_agrwll

Nance A. @nance_agrwll

I am an expert at Now and me platform. You can speak to me through the platform.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Hey its tough. Do talk to your husband about the change in expectations. Also, do reconnect with college or school friends. It always helps. I am sure you will get a positive start to your life again. Do connect if you wish to.


Thank you 🙏


Well if you don’t mind then let’s connect and chat.


Sure. Thank you


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