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Hello guys. I want to know how the karma works. Like here’s my story. I broke up with my boyfriend because of several things like he wanted to make physical contact but I was very afraid at that time. He was continually forcing me to have physical contact with him. He wasn’t thinking about his career, he was taking me for granted. I broke up he kept begging me for over an year but I didn’t gave him chance, at the same time when we were broken up and he was still begging me to come back he was flirting with other girls as well. And now he is married and I feel like I should have given him chance. I cried a lot for several months for him. But after 2 months of his marriage he says he still loves me. So like is it my karma hitting me back because I hurt a lot now. I mean I did for a while when he got married. But If it was karma then he wouldn’t be still hurting right. We both still hurt, we both still love but I kind of lost trust on him. Because of the decisions he took ( he got married because of his family, but his friend said to me he got married for her wealth) I don’t understand anything. What is going on with me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ks
19 replies


Mrinul @pr_0824

You have to accept the fact he got married and you should let go the pain with acceptance of the situation


I also think the same but it’s been 9 months and he is still not out of my mind

Mrinul @pr_0824

He can do anything to get in your pants dude,saying you like a good friend chill out and vent it out don’t let him get into your head and mess it up for you


Well actually he said that until and unless he gets divorce. And marry me he won’t force me to have physical relationship.

Mrinul @pr_0824

In the matter of seconds it shall happen dude,after he gets divorce he will lie low for a bit and you will on clouds and later there is chance everything might go better or worse so don’t keep any regrets later on


Hey can we talk on personal chat?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

Just move on
Reading out the story that guy was just toxic


I think you should move on. You did what you felt right. He’s married now and still saying he loves you it’s just cheating on his wife. How would she feel when she learns that? That’ll be the karma. He wouldn’t be flirting with other girls if he loved you. He’ll just try to be physical again and you just regret later.


I agree


No but now he is saying he is ready to give divorce. That he regrets marrying her. And will do anything for me.


Nooo that’s even worse.
This just means you can’t trust him.
Why marry when he just was going to divorce her?
It’s not like he didn’t know how he felt…
He’ll leave you hanging in the middle.

um...idk! @__maitriiii__

I think it’s better that you move on from that person…nd about marriage no matter why he did but he did!!
I think you are saved so its another chance for you to move on with your life!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ks

Keerthan @ks

Trust and love should go hand in hand.🔥…where there us no trust…there is no place for love…you made a great choice!! My frnd
Just move on!!
Ur life is precious 🤩🔥…

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