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Ranjith @gudboi

Hello guys. I am 17 yrs old living with my family i.e mom, dad and sis who is 14. My parents always fight/ argue and the major cause for their fights are their own parents ( I mean they start defending their parents that they are right and end up fighting between these two). My sis and me are both fed up with them. Well, based on the previous fights it is realized that they love their parents more than the family they are staying with.

I have some questions now.
1) Is it fine that they love their parents more than their children?
2) Is a querrel between a couple (sometimes went far extent) for their parents fine and common?
3) How can we as children react to those? (Sometimes we swear on them inside our hearts and also feel regret that if we can swear on parents)
4) Is there anything we can do to stop them?

I hope I recieve from all the people reading this so that we come to know different point of views to act upon.


2 replies

Hi Ranjith. I hope you are okay. Thank you for sharing. I’m sorry that you and your little sis have to go through this experience.
It must be very exhausting and frustrating.
It is not normal for have parents who often argue to this extend but this is sadly common among our south Asian families.
First of all, remember that their arguments doesn’t mean they love you less. I guarantee you.
As n adult with experience I must say that they probably don’t know a healthy and appropriate way to solve their issues. They probably havnt thought how it’s affecting you and your sis.
The best way for them is to see counselor or therapist.
As for you, it’s important to communicate to your parents on how you feel (if you think they are willing to listen).
Support and talk to your sis…try to speak to a professional if u have access to one… counselor or someone you can trust.
Remember you are not alone and this situation is not permanent. Stay strong my dear. πŸ’•

Ps. U can connect with me if you like

Ranjith @gudboi


soo grateful to you for ur reply… Thnx a lot :)


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