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Hello everyone, I’m writing this because I’m frustated about a person who was with me for 3 years… He treated me like nothing , i can’t even question him for doing things that i don’t like… But i was lost in his rule book… Not allowed to talk with anyone not allowed to go anywhere alone more and more… But he says that he does everything is becos of love and he cant control himself when he is in anger sometimes he will hit me badly, also remainds me that he loves me so much and can’t live without me, i feel numb i can feel the pain but I’m tried of expressing it, i really don’t know the meaning of this relationship… Eventhough im getting hurt i have some soft corner for him and my mind is still searching him and i feel hard to move out of this but now we are not in contact i hate myself for this:(

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhavna_pande
9 replies

You should try to stay away from that person. Block him on everything wherever you are connected. It’s 3 years so it won’t be easy… you will have soft corner for him but you need to think of the situations that would outrun that soft corner


If you wanna talk about it we can connect… else we can chat here


We can chat here

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhavna_pande

Bhavna P. @bhavna_pande

Hey Sweetie,

I’m so sorry to hear about the emotional abuse you experienced in your past relationship. No one deserves to be treated that way. It’s especially brave of you to leave a toxic situation like that, and I admire your resilience and the courage to ask for help.
Healing can take time, and it’s completely normal to experience a range of emotions, like anger, hurt, or even confusion like you are facing. If you ever feel ready to talk, I’m here to listen without judgment and help you navigate through this trauma.
Remember, you deserve to be loved and respected, and you have the power to build a healthy, fulfilling relationship.

Take care,
Counseling Psychologist Bhavna Pande


I don’t know everytime i wake up from my bed i can feel the pain and started to cry and it takes few minutes to be normal because everyday he comes in my dream (becos I’ll cry before my sleep thinking of all the memories , pains he gave me and also the fear of losing him) and i also lost my selfthinking like before days he used to fight with me he also uses bad words and even if I do anything i hear this voice (scolding, abusing or the bad words which he uses on me) I have the fear do I’m suffering from any mental illness ? Bcos usually i don’t share anything with anyone as i don’t have siblings and I’m with my parents so, i won’t show any of my face to them 😔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhavna_pande

Bhavna P. @bhavna_pande

It’s understandable that waking up to recurring pain and tears is tough. What you’re experiencing could be the after-effects of a difficult situation, perhaps even a traumatic experience. It’s natural to miss someone who was once close, even if the relationship wasn’t ideal. Dreaming about them and reliving those emotions is a common way for your mind to process things.
Instead of labeling it as an illness, think of this as a temporary phase in your healing journey. Healing often involves facing uncomfortable emotions and memories, which can be painful. Don’t be hard on yourself – you’re not alone in this.
Remember, you are strong, and you absolutely have the power to overcome this. You may not feel it right now, but seeking guidance can work wonders. Investing in your own well-being can make a profound difference.
Wishing you resilience, strength, and most importantly, self-compassion on your journey towards healing. Remember, you deserve to feel better. Let me know if you would like to connect.

Take care
Psychologist Bhavna Pande


Thank you for ur time and ur words means alot for me… You’re really an angel came to realize me the fact !!


Look at my comnent there


The only thing I would like to say is that it’s good that now you are not in contact with him, and now you should start realising your value, I suffered too, I know regret comes but now it’s time to wake up and know your worth


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