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Hello everyone .I need some advice as gave some money to my bf and the deal was that he might not pay me back even if we break up or anything  I said it’s cool if you will not pay me back as I was so in love with him .Then we recently broke up he blocked me from everywhere did not responded to my msgs and ignored me completely.I feel totally lost I wanted to talk to him one last time anyhow then I texted his best friend that I need my money back as he did not breakup with me respect fully and treated me horribly ,as I do not have any intention to want my money back .I just wanted to talk to him one last time by any means.But now I feel guilty that I asked him for money back as I gave it to him without any deals and promises .what should I do guys suggest me ,should I appologize to my ex ? .

2 replies

I don’t know, break-ups can get messy. But yes, you could send an honest apology about how the money doesn’t matter to you and you only brought it up because you wanted to talk to him. And after that, don’t expect anything from that conversation. Don’t expect him to talk to you again. Just clear out the money angle.


Thank you :)


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