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Hello all, just wanted to some friend to friend suggestions …
I am stuck in situation where I’m unable to move ahead . I’m in relationship with my bf since last 5 months.
Relationship wise we are going good… There are ups and downs like any other relationship but that’s something we talk it out and manage. But one thing which I’m more concerned about he asking me for money evry now and then 😥
Just to give an example he askes me to go shopping so that he can buy stuff and expect me to pay for his things as well…
Randomly asking for money now and then…
This all feels weird to me…
Also I’m in the age where my family wants me to get married or atleast start looking for the guys… But here I’m unsure if I should tell them about him or not…
Im really confused of his behavior now…
What shall I ddo this is sucking alot of my energy
It’s hard for me to say no to money… Also whenever we go out I’m the one giving most of the bills that sucks to 🥺

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt
9 replies

That’s really a concerning thing!
Tbh, i think he is into you and ‘your money’…but if this money cycle continues 3-4 times more, you should straight away communicate with him regarding all the money related situation.
If he is gonna start acting aggressively, then he surely uses you as an ATM, and if he takes your communications in a positive light and try to sort things out, then surely he’s a keeper.
Hope it helps^^




This has happened many times already 😔 like randomly asking me to pay his mobile recharge and asking me to send money out of the blue…

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Straight ask him what’s the matter!? If he so called love you he understands what made you ask him like that and tries to explain and share solutions , if he becomes angry and questions your love on him then dump him already and ask parents to search for better rishtha😌

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

You should talk to him about what u feel when he asks you about the money
You should think about your future with him while talking about him with your family
Being financially unstable and thinking about a future with your partner is not a good choice
Moreover you should measure what u need from him as a partner love , care , financial stability etc etc
Just plan out all the things


At that very moment I get numb and I could say no to him for money… So it gets hard to talk to him obviously 😔 ans yes I want financial stability from my partner

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

Well the biggest lesson I have learned from covid is “ when to say no “
And you should know saying no will always help you in your life
And you should talk to him if you are thinking your future with him
Take your time and think about it deeply it’s all about your future ykr


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