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Healing isn’t easy. The road’s so bumpy. I don’t know if I’m gonna make it.

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Yes its not easy…if it was easy there will be no tears after breakup
Its takes months… years…to heal
But once you are on the way of loving yourself…the world will be more beautiful then before 😊


Losing anything, anyone is hard that you’ve attached yourself to. It’s investing so much. There’s a loss. You’re valid. You’re fine. You’re not fine. You’re fine. It’s okay, you’ll get through it. Just be kind to yourself, give yourself the love and create your own space and hobbies in the time you have. Make your world, and accept yourself. And be kind and take care of yourself. It’s going to be okay, time and understanding and love from within you will heal you. It’s a long road yes, but we’re worth it. Right!?


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