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Profile picture for Now&Me member @melody

He says he wants some space but don’t want to breakup . He is worried that our parents wont accept us as we are from different caste , we wont be able to marry. He is also kinda respond me with short message??? he responses my text on online . Am i doing wrong by giving him instant replies?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @melody
7 replies

Yessss you’re doing wrong with yourself why you girls never understand what you deserve. you’re making him your priority when you’re just a second choice/backup plan for him… males always attracts to the females who are so precious, worthy and those who prioritize their family, job, study … Girl stop giving him your all love and time he has no intention of marrying or loving you he is just passing his time with you… Parents won’t accept or cast is just and excuse… know your worth girl you’re so special just do a breakup move forward make goals and try to accomplish your goals start reading self help books make a life for yourself that your future self will thank you. please remember the males won’t run the true love will find you in a right place in a right time. And when it finds you you will be grateful for your decisions. Females don’t chase love nor males. Listen to your gut feelings the god is sending you signs giving you chances to get yourself out of this lust. Hope you make a great decision wishing you happiness success all the best girl. You’re strong… You can do it


I’m not sure if you’re going to read this, so I’ll keep it short. You need to communicate with him, if you feel like he is acting differently then ask him what’s wrong and don’t stop until its no longer a problem. Lastly, you shouldn’t be worried about your parents or anything external to your relationship. All you need is love, and if you doubt that what you two have is love, then you shouldn’t be with him. Because love is not doubt.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @melody

i kinda give him small mssg but then he reply me instantly so i am trying to finish my mssg in one word so that he wont feel like i am ignoring him. i want him to be the one to solve the problem between us as boys like to do that soo i feel sad for not being able to help him from what he is going through but i want to give him space and i dont know how to react but he kept mssging me today he responses like it was crzy and like we have never talk before not as couple but as fren i dont for that reason i should be happy or sad


If you feel there is a problem don’t wait for him to fix it. don’t succumb to gender roles because it won’t fix your problems. You should just remind him that you’ll always be there for him but you need him to also be there for you.


No, there is nothing wrong in giving instant replies. It’s okay to care and be engaged more than your partner. This is how relationships work,sometimes somebody has to care more.Believe him if he says that he needs some space there could be many reasons to it. Something could be bothering him. If he doesn’t want to breakup he still loves you, but maybe at this moment he is stuck at something. Don’t overthink and have a face-to-face talk and solve it. Remember communication is the key

Profile picture for Now&Me member @melody

i know communication is the key but my birthday and year anniversay is coming after 1 month
i dont if this problems will be solved out or not
i am worried about every small things
i feel my whole life is moving upside down


I did this mistake, always replied instantly and also was always available. I would sometimes get the responses and sometimes not. Realized I was never a priority or even on the list much later. We feel once married things will be better but they never are. Someone who doesn’t have the courage to believe they can convince parents and for that reason is not communicating then we are just an option, a backup. Sorry to break the hope.


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