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3am ThoughtsThought


He messages me daily. Voice messages mostly. 6-8-10 voice messages each time I reply to something he has sent me. That too 2-3 mins long. I don’t have the time and energy for this. I have work and then my family. What does he talk about? EVERYTHING! Literally everything he see and hear a day, he shares with me. Why don’t he understand that other people have their own life? How many times should I tell him politely? He’s my close friend. One of the bests. I can’t be rude with him. If I don’t listen to every voice messages and reply to each ones, he complains about it. I can’t get away. Like, I don’t want to know if you saw a cat today! Ugh. I tell him I need a break but he still texts me. I feel like he can’t live without sharing daily details with me. Sometimes I feel like he don’t see me as a human but a diary.

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He’s one of my best friends. I care for him and all. But I don’t want him to see me as a daily diary. I don’t want him to dump every little details of his life into mine. This is too much for one to handle. If it was my boyfriend I would have been okay with it. But this? No.

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He doesn’t have one. The mistake I did was, I listened to him at first. He’s the type of person who never stops talking. It’s like he found a toy that will listen to his rants.

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I can’t because he’s a good friend and helped me at times. I need to show gratitude. I don’t know about feelings. Yes, he treats me differently than others in our group and I know he likes me more. But I think it’s more of an attachment issue.

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You can talk here.


I don’t know why I am getting feeling he likes you also if he is texting you like every detail may be he is lonely in his life and consider you his best frnd and shares every detail with you in excitement I mean if you could his part of the story(his prospective on things) and see the emotions and intentions behind ,you will see that he has such pure feelings for you that he can’t like even wait to share what’s happening with him … if I am not wrong on what I just said … also … I just said all this to just convey this to you that I know it’s irritating for you right now but may be you can be little kind I mean people like him are hard to find these days in our so called modern generation where everyone wants to hide things and lie ……also coming to your part of story… you have to take your responsibility too I mean self care so what you can do is convey things to him in a sweeter way that doesn’t hurts him and I really hope he understands your prospective and situation… and try to come on a mutual settlement where you can may be give him some of your time and say to him-may be to try new things or let him say to start some hobby where he could get little busy … or some of things he is passionate about he can try that may be if you could suggest him and you can tell him in a kind way that I can’t give most of my tym to you but whatever tym you can manage you can tell to him … hope that helps


You think I’m not being kind? You think I didn’t talk to him about this? It’s my kindness that makes him still send me messages. I could have ruthlessly blocked him and left. I could have been rude to him and avoided him. But no.


Hey I didn’t said you are not kind I just said that because once I had the same thing going in my life I used to share things with one person but he didn’t had time so he sometimes got rude to me which hurted me a lot … so when I read your story I just got glimpse of my memory and I said that things from his prospective and if you are kind to him , you have to be kind to yourself too … so do things that makes you comfortable… you can just avoid him when you can’t manage to talk to him … and work for your goals and priorities… and say it clearly to him if doesn’t agree just avoid and do your work and when you get some time free you can talk to him then


Instead you can say that what you feel to him no matter how rude it may sound.


I did. Several times. Most politely. But he doesn’t care. I was going through a huge issue and I told him I can’t talk because of these stuff and he blamed me for not talking to him. The problem is I can’t be rude with anybody.


See you have take a stand for yourself okay I know he is your best friend but still you have too.


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