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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

He just keeps on abusing me if things do not go according to him… He accuse me of having fun with boys where all I am doing is staying home with my conservative family… He blackmails me every now and then that he will come at my home or ping my father on facebook and destroy my life if I don’t provide him money… he blackmails me when I ask him to leave my life…

I have forgiven him several times when he apologized but yesterday something happened and he abused my mother as well and when I couldn’t listen shit about my mother ans said many things on my upbringing…I gave him back and said something about his schizophreniac mother after that when I realized its wrong I apologized several times from my heart… but despite the aplology he said my mom’s life is more than yours and you should take care of your mother and he did not stop there he said I curse you when your child will be born he will be disable, he never apologiesd for my mom as well… I can’t explain what I am going through when I heard this about my living mother and a my unborn child… After that he has blocked me on all the social networking sites, what’s app, calls and before that he took 500 rs from me on Gpay and drop a message there ki I will leave you till next month end and I will be forever gone… this somewhat gave me relief but when you are blocked on everywhere, i don’t know i just feel like eithr kill him or kill myself… I feel like shit that I can’t do anything. I am in denial now… i did everything for him, i have been loyal to him but he is delusional… how do I get over him as soon as possible… i am scared of him

8 replies

mam,i know i cannot even think of the phase of life you are going through but trust me everything will be fine. life cannot move forward without ups and downs…life is just like an ECG machine when you are alive it shows many variation,ups and downs but when u die its just a straight line…feel lucky,feel alive…go for a walk,go to a cafe…get yourself some cloths,some sweets,pamper yourself…let me tell you that person doesnot deserve you…realize your worth…get out of that abusive relationship.if he threatens you of telling your father everything,girl this is what he wants…he want u to get scared of him…dont let this happen to yourself…remember,your parents will understand u no matter what…its better to let them know what happened(only if he keeps on blackmailing). anyday it is better than being in such a relationship… show him what he has lost…feel proud of yourself, work on yourself,be financially and emotionally independent. be kickass!!! stay strong…all the best


Thank you for your wise advice and wise words… I hope i will get out of this real soon… actually I am feeling better good now that he has blocked me, I feel relieved when he said he will leave me… and I know this alone life is better than such kind of life… but somewhere I know that he is not going leave me so easily… and that scares me the most…


hi! i am sorry that this happened. i am sorry that you had to deal with all that, but its time you dump him. trust me, please kick him out of your life. he doesnt deserve an apology. forgive yourself for saying all that you said, dont seek validation of your apology from him and just dump him. he saying anything about your mother or your unborn child is not just gonna turn into reality. trust me, he will come back after you dump him, but you stand your ground. dont take him back. would you want your children to have a father like him? he needs to do his healing work, but till then, you are only responsible for your life. if he threatens to tell your parents, either take help from your friends and double blackmail him into something or come clean to your parents. but dare not bow down to someones toxic attitude. i know its easy to say, but trust me, your life is definitely more than listening to someone abuse you constantly each day.


Hey thank you all I wanted to listen is ’ he saying anything about your mother or your unborn child is not just gonna turn into reality’ this… yes I have tried to scare him off several times by saying I will file a police report and send you behind the bars for 4-5 years but then again he overpowers me everytime so i keep quiet… i cannot tell my parents because they are strict and all they will do is ask me to leave my job and sit at home which I can’t afford… I am just waiting for him to go. Abhi block kiya hai usne thode din mai aayega wapas I know this… i can’t fight him back so I have to smartly get rid of him


how about you block him too from everywhere before he unblocks you? forget about the money, consider it bad debt… have you heard that song?.. some mistakes get made, thats alright thats okay, you can think you are in love, when you are really just in pain.
do you have siblings who you can talk to about this and come out with a more practical solution about his threatening? maybe some elder brother?

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Thank you for this… yes i do have read many articles and videos about many mental illness… and his symptoms are totally matching with BPD… He always claims that he is obsessed with me… I am dusky and average looking girl and he is very handsome and fair but guy like this says he is obsessed with me, there is something in me which is very driven and that makes me different than others and that is why he cannot tolerate if I am talking to my guy friends, he thinks I am cheating on him so he starts abusing me and accussing me… I have no idea how to deal with him if seriously has this BPD thing…

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