Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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He I am here as I am all alone.
I dont have any of them with whom I can share my feelings.
It isnā€™t that I dont have friends, I have but for me they arenā€™t that trustworthy.
I am sharing my story.
It goes hereā€¦
I was in class 9 and I was in a relationship witha girl. We were in the same class and used to stay in same hostel near our school. That year was going fine but on 31st december my parents came to know about us.
They were sad and werent haply as that was not my age for all these stuff.
Soon after the vacations i went back to the school and told her i could continue with this as this is not the right tym for us and I went back to my class.
After a month one of my friend started spreading rumours to every girl in our hostel that I was asking for my gf nudes and blah blahā€¦ And thats the reason she broke up with me. And the year passed away with those rumours spreading. Soon after days we were appearing for our boards. 2 days before our maths exam she(my gf) and that friend went to the warden the owner of our hostel and complained about me that I was the one asking for nudes and other things.
I tried proving myself but i was not able to.
Soon after we finished our boards and my parent came to take me back.
Sur called me in the office and he narrated everything to my parents.
I felt ashamed of myself what have I done. I have spoiled everything. I confessed my parents I havent done anything. They told me okay beta we beleive you. But I have let their head down because of the girl and that friend I chose tto be with.
Many things have changed now.
Its been 3 years and i am scared to trust someone with whom I can share my feelings, everything I want to.
I dont know how to overcome this.

3 replies

Those people who had malicious intent towards you , are already not a part of your life , which is great news in my opinion & the fact that our parents know us the best , is actually true , so i am sure when they say they believe you they really do ! All that matter , you conscience should be clear


This is exactly how i feel ā€œnot able to trust anyone againā€. I understand the embarrassment that you had to face in your young age. I understand how difficult it must be for you to even trust someone even if he/she good person. Even i have this problem and one thing that helps me is journalling, try to find yourself. Even when you are not feeling to believe anybody anymore just let it pass, feel thats okay its normal and you are not aloneā€¦ Accept this fact and try to enjoy your own company and most importantly bring growth in your professional life.

Stability in you with self care and professional growth are the key elements to overcome your depressionā€¦

I may not gurantee that you will be able to trust people because it comes with time, but i can say that you will feel better doing this.

Hope this helps :))


It is a long process to go through of building trust. I believe in you. With your experiences you will build and understand your intuition as to who you can trust and forgive. It is a heavy burden when a lie is accepted as the truth. You hold it longer in your head than others do but it may feel the opposite. You are worthy right now. Yes I can understand how it can be scary. Your feelings are valid. Imagine a friend of yours went through the same thing, what would you tell them? Would it change your love for them? It would not so. Why then should that love change for yourself. Be your friend and be as kind as you would have been to others. Forgive yourself and forgive others. I believe you will overcome it. Donā€™t go into the why of it, why it happened, itā€™s too big a question for humans. Why we suffer? No one knows for sure. You are strong. You may not see it but it is the truth. One day you will overcome it and wonā€™t understand how, small moments like this of introspection which will lead you there. Thank you for sharing. I heard you and will hold your pain. If you have a wound donā€™t poke it, it will heal on its own. Keep moving ahead in life. One moment at a time.


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