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He acted all interested, gave me a little care and attention and now that I have already started feeling for him, he ignores me. Wonder where/ what did I do wrong? :(

4 replies

Sohail Sayyed @sohail_09

Nowhere. It happens. Sometimes you don’t know people’s stories. It’s sad he’s ignoring you rn. But hey there’s more people out there. Let’s find the one who’s got time for you. Cheers🙂✌🏻

Unknown Dios @dios46

Idk but there’s a possibility that he’s just busy right?
If not there are many scenarios possible like
1- he wasn’t interested in the first place.
2- he was interested, but you weren’t so he’s just playing psychological trick now.
Obviously, Many more scenarios can be obtained but overall just have patience and watch out for any tricks!

Vinay @vinay_074

He find someone better by look may be…perfect one will come for you…


Message him first, maybe he is waiting for your message.


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