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Haven’t sleeped since last 72 hours

feeling so much anxiety due to arrange marriage decision

I’m at peek of mental breakdown,let me know what should i do ??

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lonely @gorfadvijay

Yes the Other Person Not So Cooperative

I’m feeling very stressed out

lonely @gorfadvijay

like I’m feeling anxiety since 21 Feb and the girl is very shy

we are talking since 1 march but till today I’m not even feeling that I know something about her ,it is like she is forcing herself to talk

and when i ask if she is happy or not with this

and she replies she is happy but I’m not sure that is true

I’m so stressed out right now

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lonely @gorfadvijay

marriage will be after 1.5 year

it’s like rishta has been fixed

can you please talk in private
will appreciate that

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Trust in the process. Its not like they will compell you to marry someone. Its still arranged…not forced marriage. Your views will come into play too.


Arrange marriage is what probably brought you on earth in the first place. Trust the process. It has worked out for centuries. No reason why it won’t work out with you. More power to you.


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