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3am ThoughtsThought


Have you been single so long that it’s hard to fall in love? 😅
I have been single since 2019. I decided not to get involved with anyone until I heal my past and understand myself. That’s been going great. I feel like I was living a lie for the people I was dating. I did not have much of my own life.
I do now. I have hobbies. I’m understanding myself better. I’ve been taking therapy and improving. I was thinking to may be start dating again. 28F here. But the deal is… I’m not finding anyone attractive. And it’s not like I have super high standards or I feel I’m arrogant. I just don’t feel attracted to guys.
I even introspected if I’m into women but no. I am straight. My opportunities for dating has been limited and the people I have encountered on dating apps are either emotionally unavailable or too clingy that they propose in the first week!! And then there is this expectation they have of me to reciprocate. It’s crazy to commit to someone with a few days of online conversation!
I’ve been telling myself that I just haven’t met the person I’m compatible with. A passionate love story is all I want but I am not feeling it for anyone you know what I mean… 😅
Anyone? Any similar experience? Or any suggestions?

Haa anyone ever experienced it?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sidewalk_flower
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
14 replies

Yeah , true story- i never approached any girl my life , i was approached every time after every relation i realised she was not right , but i never put efforts thinking shi is not the one , every love story could be passionate if you want to be


Yes you got a point. May be it’s the efforts that make a relationship great along with the compatibility. I’ll think about this. Thank you. ✨




I believe trusting people can take a bit more time than usual, as you develop to handle yourself without much help from outside. I think it takes longer than normal to fall again for a person. Do hope your passionate love meets you.


Yes you get me. May be this is normal. May be I should let things take its time. Instead of worrying about why I’m not feeling it I should wait for someone I fall for effortlessly. That would be rather authentic.


Yeah. A good connection of emotions with someone, is all that we want. We might be late to meet the right person. But it doesn’t matter once we get them. Being open a little bit to let people know us is all we can try.


You have put it wonderfully in words. I’ll try that. Thank you so much. ✨

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sidewalk_flower

myra @sidewalk_flower

Im experiencing the similar feelings like you! I guess its the connection we are waiting for! In the meanwhile lets embrace our Solitude 😊🙌


See as you said you are multi-talented and u set your standards high , then I think it’s same like I’ve gone through that’s the only reason I’m single , you need to compromise thoda or you need to keep waiting for the right guy , I’m guy and because of this I never proposed anyone! I’ll suggest don’t wait just find vibes and trust the process :) it’s about person not about standards


I can totally relate to you for a very long time almost 4 years I couldn’t find anyone interesting either yet I kept meeting lots of people and everyone was great in their own way . Till a point where I started to doubt myself thinking that something gone missing from inside.
But after a while it comes back and I started to find people interesting again!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Good luck! Hota hai esa…circle thoda bada karo…may b you get lucky


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