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Have been chatting with a man for about a week we both were all flirty and good but today he is behaving so distant like just liking my messages and giving me one word answer and ignoring some of my msges etc etc it feels weird …what should I do next ?

29 replies

Priorities changed.! U can’t do anything accept nd move on


Yes i know it kind of bugged me he talked about meeting and stuff and even in afternoon he was all sweet but suddenly he is like "i cannot stay awake i need to sleep " and replying late and stuff …it kind of hurts a little


Told you.! Don’t text him… wait fir few days if he texts first… then keep him or just move on.! He was just a attention seeker


Okay i understand it’s just i don’t want it to seem like i am having attitude or something


It’s nit attitude its you checking ur importance


Okay i will tell him about this and than see whether he takes the initiative or not if not k will just go thanks for the help


Power to youu my frnd.! 🫡❤️


Thanks ❤️

Shalin Gupta @shalin99

Reassure him that the vibe is still same. It has not changed.



Shalin Gupta @shalin99

I don’t know. Maybe he has something of his own personal problem which he don’t want to share and can’t talk about it. Maybe it’s nothing to do with you. People needs their personal space too sometimes right? So i guess what can you do is try to flirt him and make his mood brighter.

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It gets that bad ?

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Okay i understand thanks for the help


Hii, I was with a man (which I am not sure if he was or not, based upon his further actions!!), And we went out like for a month, we had a good time, he initiated all the moves and after that we met and spent 2 days away from the world and after returning he ghosted out!!
I don’t know he didn’t pick up my phone and won’t had answered my messages so, it’s better to keep these people outside our life…
You’re lucky because you got to know this so much earlier !!


Woah that must suck alot i am sorry you must have felt hurt …yes true i found our early


Please don’t get hurt like this, trust me it almost felt like hurting our soul !!
Run as fast as you can from that man who can’t love you the way you deserve to be !!
Many times they only pretend to love but there are red flags, if you are detecting them, just leave, you deserve something better than this !!


I know some months back had a breakup …after these many months i felt a little happy but guess he was also the same


Same !!
Before this man, I had 2 relationship and one of them was tough as it was of 8 years and second one was of 1 year but in second one, it didn’t feel a thing and I was like if I can love again but this guy makes me feel really really special, Even, we are together for a month just, I miss him more than anything but I meant nothing to him, I know…it’s been 4 months and I can’t find a way to move on !!


I hope you find strength to move on ❤️ and thank god i found about it within a week tbh


Yess, I am glad, god has saved you ❤️
Much strength to you too!!


Ignore him too. Let him taste the same medicine his been giving to u. No matter what reason or how shitty day he has, it’s never a reason to blow someone off and let u feel bad and hurt, and making u doubt yourself if u have said something wrong or what. U deserve better than that :)

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