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3am ThoughtsThought


Happens with anyone else, that when you feel like you can’t study because the chapter or topic is too lengthy, you think of more interesting things like a day out with your favourite celebrity crush or anything of that sort?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @diabolikshadow
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @diabolikshadow

Preety Gupta @diabolikshad...

Yeahhhh it does everytime

Profile picture for Now&Me member @diabolikshadow

Preety Gupta @diabolikshad...

But we have to bring our mind back from those things and focus on studies I know it sounds tough so it’s better to study with a nerd cause they won’t talk to you like friends does and because of his present you will study . I don’t have a nerd friend but I tried it and it helps


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