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Had a massive fight with my best friend, the only guy i ever loved till now… said a few things to hurt him back… i am shattered and exhausted… sometimes I really wonder why he came into my life… was it to be a permanent part of my life or teach me something

3 replies

if they are a true friend and truly loves you they will come around it just might take some time.



I am a guy here so I would like to give a guy’s perspective!

While most of us aren’t very used to sharing ideas or thoughts in our minds, we are sensitive to the things around us. In your scenario, you may have said some things that may have hurt him, but, I believe that we understand when things are said due to anger or in the heat of the moment. Sure, like every other human out there, different people take different times to understand and come back and so shall your friend, if he knows the value of your friendship, all you need to do is give him and yourself some time to actually confront your own feelings (goes for both of you).

Secondly, everyone who enters our life sure teaches us something. The good, bad or the ugly and that is how as humans we evolve. I would recommend to go ahead and try to initiate a conversation with him once he is a bit calmer. It never hurts to have a conversation :)

Please feel free to reach out to me in case you wish for someone to talk to.


I agree with what you have said… but sometimes the things he says can really hurt… and i can be bitchy when i am hurt… we have come to a level where we are both toxic for each other but both don’t want to end this friendship… so like you said taking a break so that we can calm down and process things!


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