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Body PositivityThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Guyz I really need some push it’s been sooo long I haven’t followed my diet or also did my workout I was 79 kgs now I’m 9
59 and I’m 5’4 but I still need to cut some fat out of my body but everyday I’m just like no I ll follow from Tom at the night I’m like yes from Tom I’m gonna start but when day aariabes i find some excuses like I’m not feeling good I guess periods will come toadya and kalala please push me through this I need to loose some fat also wanna become airhostess so for that I have to cut down some kgs and also it will be great for my health I’m eating crap trust me please push me through this

1 reply

Tanya Singh @dbtanya01

Firstly, congratulations on losing so much, from 79 to 59kgs, that really great!
Also, the only person who can push you is YOU. Tell yourself every day that you have to do it. Set a target and remind yourself every now and then to follow it. Push yourself every day. Tell your subconscious mind that you have to remain true towards your goal and that you will achieve it.

A new month has started, it is a great time to set a target for this month. If you can hit a gym, provided that it’s safe, then go for it. If it’s not safe, then start doing it at home. You can try out various workout’s that are available on youtube or you can buy a cult fitness pack and follow the same at home. You can also go running in the morning or buy a skipping rope and do it every day (at least 1000 per day). Also, make a diet and strictly follow it. Don’t allow yourself to break it. Whenever you get the thought of cheating on your diet, just remind yourself of your goal and how passionate you are about achieving it. It is also important for you to stay hydrated. I know it is quite difficult in winters to stay hydrated all the time but try. Eat lots of nuts, greens, and fruits.

Also, just once watch the link I’m attaching below. I think it will help you push yourself. It has helped me.

All the Best!!


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