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Guys this one is for you … please tell me something. Me and my bf of four years were in a rough patch since two months. Mostly because I had become little toxic. We have worked things out now but since my bfs friend is staying with him since around 2 months we haven’t been able to get intimate and neither has he tried. Otherwise generally we enjoy being that way. And is it wrong for me to think he might be cheating? I spoke to him about it and he is leaving for a trip and will be back only in 15 days. He says the longer we wait it will be better only. I’m not sure what to make of these words. Any peals of wisdom ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ayostephen
13 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ayostephen

Ayo @ayostephen

tbh the sentence “how longer we wait thag better it gets” feels very weird and off. I wouldn’t straight up go to him cheating, but maybe he is getting insecure about some things or he doesn’t think sexually of you anymore. What ever it is, try to tell him what you think and your perspective.


I have actually. Today I mentioned many times. He just dint react much to it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ayostephen

Ayo @ayostephen

oh well if you don’t feel like he is communicating, I would honestly just stay back from the relationship. It’s not healthy for you nor your boyfriend to keep being in a circle, that doesn’t stop and you guys want different things.


🥺 I don’t think he has done such an injustice to me that il step back from the relationship. We have been together for really long and it’s not so easy.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ayostephen

Ayo @ayostephen

I get that but it’s also not healthy for you to be in a toxic or unhealthy relationship. I know it’s hard but you should be able to talk to him and he should be talking to you about these stuff.


He’s telling now that you know very how stressed I’ve been with work. Even I miss it and even I want it. But with this new roommate how can I ? I’m not even getting time to think about jt. He’s getting a new job in Jan. He’s like don’t worry it’s not like if you aren’t there il go fuck someone else. Il do weekly weekly when my new work starts (Jan) also side note, we haven’t been getting the same work holidays or getting the privacy for this

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ayostephen

Ayo @ayostephen

Well the big question is… do you think you still deserve this? Because I feel like he is making it very hard to plan stuff as well. It looks like you are trying to make plans but he isn’t.


The thing is …if it were someone else I wud not have tolerated all this. As told, we have been a little emotionally distant off late cz of my increased insecurity,fear, constant accusing him. Asking questions always. He was working from like 9am to 9pm on all days. Considering all this but still because I’ve been treated this way I was asking you guys what you think about jt.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ayostephen

Ayo @ayostephen

I feel like the way you are treated is not ok! Also because he doesn’t talk about it and just pushes you away. I feel like you never should put aside your passions or something like that for somebody else.




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