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3am ThoughtsThought


guys im like 52kg and my height is 5’8 i think. and everyone, my friends and relatives say that i have perfect body face and everything. everyone says im beautiful and my friends and cousins and always like - you’re so beautiful and you have perfect shape of body you don’t have to lose weight and no one laughs at you and you can wear skinny jeans and all tops and dresses and you’re so lucky you’re not shamed by people at all.
the truth is, i don’t like everyone always looking at me like that. im like sick of so many compliments. im really proud of maintaining my weight and everything but like i have this thing like… i always eat very little and skip meals sometimes and walk rather than a vehicle like i stop myself from eating my favorite foods sometimes i love food and i eat okay i don’t starve but i eat in a limit and anyway i don’t like too much sweets at all… while eating im always so concerned that if i eat a lot i might start gaining weight and again develop acne on my skin. im so concerned all the time. like my body shape is the same from a few years but im still concerned. also i don’t want them to always point out that i have a perfect body and stuff it feels weird. i really really appreciate their compliments but it feels weird i always feel so insecure about everything and when i say that to people they are like “stop with that attitude you know you have a perfect body you’re just showing off” or “this is too much stop being so insecure”

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