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tangled @clear_house_5

Guys, I’m in relationship with a guy who’s been my best friend for two years but he got an ex who he had sex about 15 times in the past. now that he’s regretting what he did in past and saying that he can’t be with me keeping those all regrets of leaving her after sex and because of that may be I can’t give myself wholly to you. He doesn’t want to get back with her but he simply can’t move on from the physical stuff they had. He says he loves only me. He’s said, “ in these two months of our relationship I regretted about that topic for about four times if this continues to happen this will effect you so much, you don’t deserve all this stuff and my past”. Yesterday he said that this will not work out let’s stop this here😭But we love each other so much. Guys pls explain me what to do

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shivavolley99
18 replies

First things he needs to heal from his past and bring clarity in his life! Secondly you never want to date a guy for whom who are an option or a choice. We all have been there where we are not respected! So i would say take time off and obviously this is going to be challenging but that’s the need of the situation. Work on your self individually and try to being clarity in your lives about what you want and how you want it to be.

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tangled @clear_house_5

Today, he said sorry for what ever happened yesterday and says that he is confident this time that he is not gonna regret his past but realised that whatever has happened was ok but not gonna influence that on this relationship. What to do?


Okay i see quick decisions making here. I would still say take the time off. Meditate, walk. Spend time
In nature and focus on bringing the clarity!! Do not rush to decide just yet!


Hmm… thanks for this🫠. I was doing that too. There are no problems between us but the only problem is his past and the regrets he hold though he’s saying that he won’t say that this won’t work or he will not let that thing effect this relationship i was thinking about this.

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anuj @anujvohra

He is upfront,respect that. Wait for some time for emotions to settle. Hopefully things will come out for better


People who cry like this tends to go back to ex or not worthy of being faithful always.

tangled @clear_house_5

But he don’t want to get back to his ex. He made clear that to his ex few days ago too


Time changes everything even the feelings in these kinds of messed up situation and the only person who will suffer is you

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shiva kumar @shivavolley99

He is a green flag when you make him to move on from those past things…until give him time… understand him…be there and make him to understand what happened in the past doesn’t going to decide what holds for you both in the future…


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