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Profile picture for Now&Me member @joshsony

marko @joshsony

guys i wish i get ur life cause mine is very bad. i am fed up with mine guys
i dont know wat to do my mom keeps on saying study study and she is very strict in my family everyone tries to change me but the fact is that they have to change my dad is very angry type he never plays with i told him to download a game but he didnt downloaded it i told this thing 2 months ago still he is not doing thts all guys please give suggestions for me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joshsony
3 replies

Hi @joshsony 👋

It’s true that sometimes our family doesn’t understand us. Despite our best efforts to make them understand what we want, they can’t connect with us or we are not able to understand them. But that’s alright.

They act in a way that they think is best. Their best may not actually be the best, or even good enough. But that’s all they know.

You can try telling them how you feel. But that might not change the way they behave. But it’s the only thing you can do. And whenever you feel upset, in the end, you can just remind yourself that they do it out of love and concern for you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joshsony

marko @joshsony

thanks mahn ur really good can I know ur name


Thank you so much @joshsony, I’m so glad this was pleasant for you! I still feel a bit shy telling who I am, maybe I’ll get to interact with you on the site soon (with my name!! 😄)


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