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Guys I am overthinking again about to cry about few things which has happened I mean my depression … Unable to hold want to cry loud but I can’t…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ileen
9 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ileen

Ileen @ileen

Then just cry until u satisfied

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There are few people who treated me like nothing , spoke to others about me this to not be with and the part is people listen and follow that ,when there is nothing you do it , everything lies will be told by few people and telling bad about me to others but still I fought for myself and no one atleast came to me talked bcz there they want to be in good note with others still I left those snakes who are there for only namesake i was deeply hurt by althose happened which is making my mind go heavy i am unable take it why I have always been good still why , depression is getting me so worse no one to listen what is bothering me even if I don’t want to think about it it’s coming continuosly in mind…so this had happened years ago still I am unable to accept it why …but those people who does wrong , others believe them why …

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Puja @meeehh

Let ur emotions out that’s the best way…and feel free to talk we all here


There are few people who treated me like nothing , spoke to others about me this to not be with and the part is people listen and follow that ,when there is nothing you do it , everything lies will be told by few people and telling bad about me to others but still I fought for myself and no one atleast came to me talked bcz there they want to be in good note with others still I left those snakes who are there for only namesake i was deeply hurt by althose happened which is making my mind go heavy i am unable take it why I have always been good still why , depression is getting me so worse no one to listen what is bothering me even if I don’t want to think about it it’s coming continuosly in mind…so this had happened years ago still I am unable to accept it why …but those people who does wrong , others believe them why …

Puja @meeehh

Uk i was also like this constantly thinking about how others look at me…and later I realized that i should’t give a fk about that…they don’t pay my bills…it’s you only living ur life…so instead of them focus on you…do things that make u feel confident good…other’s opinion doesn’t matter…and when they see u are happy all those snakes who avoided u will come back


Yes it was years back still I am sad that why that happened to me , i didn’t care what others think of me bcz i was on my own and I left them …still that things happened effected me and I am processing through many things and becoming better …also I don’t want those snakes back in my life …thanks for replying it means alot

Puja @meeehh

Its’s ok to think about ur past but leave it the nxt second …like try going out and try new looks do …think about ur career so that u don’t hv time to think about bs


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