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Guys here is the thing: to say it in short, I confessed to a guy who has a gf. But he liked me before, I liked him too (even loved him, I just didn’t know what I felt so at that time told him I wasn’t ready for a relationship. Then he made a gf). So now that I’ve told him about my feelings, sometimes he’s cold, sometimes so warm and attentive towards me… Like I’m so confused (we meet everyday because of work).
Lately I’ve noticed he hides some stuff that involves his gf, for example last time I asked him where he cut his hair, he said he cut on his own but later conversation led us to the point that it was his girflriend who cut his hair… Before it was always me…
Like what is on his mind?

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Leave the guy alone.
He’s in a relationship now…don’t complicate things.

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