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3am ThoughtsThought


Guys help me please , there’s a guy I can’t stop think about, i maybe love him , i don’t know i have been daydreaming about him for so many days and i am not able to do anything or focus on reality. I know that what I am thinking is not the reality i am just fooling myself, i am hurting myself by thinking about him again and again and i know he will never like me back, and i am not his type, i can’t match him, i am not enough for him and i feel insecure because i am incapable of what he is. And i really need to focus on reality because whatever i am daydreaming will never happen, but reality just saddens me more and more, and i am extremely happy when I am daydreaming just tell me what should I do. I am o much lost

9 replies

From my experience with this. I want to affirm how you feel. Do not gaslight yourself please, you are completely valid in feeling this way. There is a part of you that felt attraction towards this person and that is completely human and we all feel this way. Also, as someone who has regrets, if he is your friend, just be his friend. Sometimes friendship is the best way to love someone selflessly. If you want to move on though I had a friend tell me to realize that those thoughts are just thoughts. She said whenever you think about him like that just realize like “oh that’s an interesting thought” and let it pass. Its a mindfulness technique, attend to that thought, acknowledge how you feel about him is normal attraction and that its just a thought. Only just please consider just being his friend, because having a friend is really great.


Thank you soo much! It was really a helpful comment!! I will try to keep him as my friend, and will try to stop daydreaming as much as I can.


Yea. ❤️ no worries. Friendship is wonderful. Also Daydreams are okay just attend to it as just a thought and then dont forget to breathe in and out !


Yeah ❤️❤️


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