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Guys/Girls i have a question so today was the start of our f2f class and the Class A and B have been mixed and there’s this one guy from Class A. He’s so quite, He acts differently, he only talk when it’s necessary for him, only got a few friends and somehow me and my 3 other friends finds him so attractive he doesn’t really have that lools in his Face and yet i Heard that other girls from class A is also going crazy over him. He’s too mysterious. What do you think is the reason why he’s so attractive? I can’t even tell if he’s a good guy or bad…

1 reply

That’s the urge to know that person

There’s no attraction , u are attracted to someone u will have plenty of reasons
Nd if u don’t have any that’s just urge or infatuation

Hope that helps
( if u wanna know how to be more attractive in boys eye , let me know) 🙂


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