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Guy roams around a girl, he’ll make her feel special and make her fall in love.: after she’s committed to him, why do men start treating her like ordinary ?? Does that happen everywhere??

20 replies

Dude I was just having this conversation with myself. And yes it’s soo common. And it’s reverse in case of us women. They don’t invest as much before getting into relationship but then as the relationship ages women start to care more n more and men less n less. It’s sad. Idk why it happens but it certainly hurts. That’s why women need constant reassurance.


Exactly!! As we women get used to him and start caring more and more it gets difficult to even get over them right!! But are all men like that??


Well cannot really say all men. But most men are like that. It’s because usually men like the chase. They pursue so they give their all and when they get the girl they relax and when the girl feels like she’s taken for granted and leaves then again the man becomes active. It’s a very common cycle we see often right.


True… I am a person who can not act when committed to someone… i totally melt and be available and keep caring about them… maybe that makes man feel like they own the girl!! Maybe we need to learn to act and make them wait for anything, without being easily available for everything they want


Yarr even I feel the same. But then that really feels like playing games na. Then it probably feels like if we have to do such tricks to get the attention we deserve it’s a very good sign that he ain’t the one. Because it’s true than when someone is truly interested in u be it man or woman the interest and the loves never dies down it might fluctuate but it’s never 100one day and 0 the next.


Ya… being wt we feel makes us feel alive… faking something is putting an extra effort as it’s not natural reaction right!! But cheers you girl!! We both feel the same 😁


Yeah…is true with most of us men…we get bored easily…plus we also have a saying that no kid studies after passing the exam for Same class


I am a guy

I liked girls obv
But I was focused on career ,never got in a relationship

In college ,I got used to staying alone
Now I like it this way

I’m in bangalore and here a lot of girls are there and dating culture is also good

I don’t know whether I’ll make friends and get into a relationship

but being alone gives you the freedom which is unparalleled
I have come to like it

girls are nice ,but I don’t talk to them,even if she is sitting next to me, for some reason ,I dont know why but I keep to myself

just sharing my experience

actually I think sitting next to each other without talking is also nice


Yeah even i enjoy silence… it might sound boring to some but it’s also enjoying someone’s presence


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