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Guy is confused about his feelings, I know him for a long time, he doesn’t see me the way I see him, he has this long distance relationship for almost 4 years now, he vents to me, he will tell me that his gf is not giving him time blah blah, but he never understands that I am giving him time, I am sacrificing myself for him on so many levels. Sometimes I think this guy is confused about his feelings for her and for me, once he kissed me out of the blue, I mean why would he do that if he feels his relationship is going fine with her. I won’t deny I have feelings for him too, but I cannot do all this while he is in a relationship with her already.
UPDATE: (so I wrote this in the morning, but didn’t finish) I don’t know how I got the strength to take up this topic and confront him about his feeling. By goddd!! this guy is confused about his feelings I used to think that I am the only one who has confused feelings, but he proved me wrong. He straight away said I am confused, I mean I was just wondering and he came up with it right away. He says he is so confused with his feelings towards me and his gf. We talked for hours, and hopefully he might be able to understand better and maybe make a right decision (I want him to totally commit to me, but I feel bad that I will be the reason for his breakup)

3 replies

Why do you love him?

RAQZ @raqz

Hi there,

There’s nothing wrong with expressing your feelings. I believe our feelings matter too but understand by expressing how you feel. Do you receive the actual answer that you’re looking for? Don’t mistake a comfortable lie with the hard pressing truth if one is confused about their feelings it means they’re at war with themselves only pushing him to gain his love will only be for a short period of time. Trust me I have seen this. If he has broken up with his previous gf for whatever reason. Let the person heal first then see if he’s mentally viable to move on and love someone else. I do know that you love him but what is love if it isn’t meant to be.

Hope this helps!


Im sershing for gril


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