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3am ThoughtsThought


Got attracted to your voice.
Loved the way he behaved earlier made him unique from everyone others.
Impressed with his bare minimum effort.
He opened with me too early about those things that’s okay it’s important to share their thinking.
Forced me to send those.
I became toxic.
Things kept on adding I became way more toxic .
He became busy or idk whether he was ignoring.
I stopped trusting him.
Chasing him, getting ignored, completely opposite of what he was.
Block-unblock ♻️
4th year of relationship
Pretty good.
Unrealistic expectations acc to him. The only thing I expect is to understand me sometime and stop giving short texts. And many more but I don’t think it’s unrealistic

Profile picture for Now&Me member @cureplace
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You both need to take a break from your life’s and spend some time together 🙂

J @blue_jj

Omg similar thing happened to me. Trust me you deserve better. Get out of the relation.


Sometimes men express less, or maybe he is also going through his life just like you.
Some people don’t talk properly… really short texts or replies or sometimes just Ignore. But if you ask him and talk to him you will understand that this may not mean he doesn’t love you or is not into you.

It will take time, relation ship takes lot of exams. If you get impatient and breakup, upto you. But talk to him once.


It is not unrealistic.but trust me he is not the one if you cannot be yourself in front of him

Profile picture for Now&Me member @cureplace

Hope @cureplace

He was good at manipulating, and now you have lost your self confidence in the process.


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